Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Get out of your comfort zone

As summer approaches, or is already here for the southern states, those bass will be harder to catch. In the lakes they move deeper and in other waters are much less active in the heat of the day. So unless you fish at night or get up at 5:00am you have to change tactics to get them to bite. If you are going to venture out to the main lake, look for rock piles in 10 to 20 ft of water. Find it or other structure on your graph and make repeated cast attempts before you give up on the area. You may have to find the right crankbait to get that reaction strike. Ledges are another good way to locate bass, they will move from the top to the deeper angles of the ledge. You can use crankbaits, Texas rigged worms, jigs or spoons. I like to fish river systems now as the current can lower the water temperatures and keep those bass more active. Often time they will hold tight to cover and just wait for the bait to come to them. All types of techniques will work. So stop pounding the banks and look for offshore structure and ledges in the lakes and try the river for some fishing relief.

Good Fishing


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