Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Free Stuff is Good!

Hello all, I hope that were ever you are your Spring is warming and you are planning or have got out to do some fishing. I was able to get out for the first time this season last weekend. It seems that each new season I do some bone head thing with my boat since it has been several months since I have last got out. Well, this time was not exception and let me just say, this was a season ender. So BE SURE TO PUT YOUR DRAIN PLUGS IN BEFORE YOU GO FISHING! That is all I will say about that.

Well even with that and having to put up with some rain, I ended up having a decent day. Caught 10 or more and got most of those in the boat. The largest was 2.2 lbs. I found a stretch of bank were these fish were roaming looking for food. Here is a pic of one of the fish I caught.

Now on to the free stuff. With the start of the season, I want to renew some excitement and get some exposure for my Lure Luster product. This is a great way to customize your lures to get more bites. Adding color, flash and realism in your lures, can give you that added edge to get those bites.

So the next 50 people who "like" my Facebook page @ will get a free lure customization kit in the mail. Please share with your family and friends.

You can also go onto my website at to buy more.

Have fun!

Thank you

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Top 10 Bass Events in the Summer Olympics

1. Big Bass Bag Weight Lifting

2. Casting your tackle bag for distance

3. Balance on top of your pedestal seat

4. All day sweat collection (ew!)

5. 50 foot swim; after your fall out of your boat

6. Worm eating competition

7. Timed boat loading in a wave pool

8. Power rowing; after you run out of gas

9. Rod throwing; after the lake record fish just broke off

10. The equipment dive; after you just threw your $150 rig in the lake.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

$5 Dollar Umbrella Rig?

So depending on were you are at in the country. You are either enjoying your summer or unlike me and much of the mid-west we have been having 100 degree days for the last 20 days or so. I don't really want to count because it will just depress me further. At 8:00 am it is already 85-89 degrees, so needless to say i have not been out fishing much. I really am a dedicated angler, however melting away while trying to find deep biting bass is hard for me as i  am just not used to doing. So unfortunately, i have been couped up on the weekends with the AC running 24/7.

So what do i do? I get caught up on my bass fishing magazines and get ideas on how to customize and tinker with my lures, organize tackle boxes and soft plastics. After all my product is all about customization, so why not do some other customization for other lures. Now you know that just about every bait that i have has my stickers on them, so i was looking for something else to do. (side story: as i have so many lures now, i really don't buy anything unless it is a deep discount. And although there are some really nice $10-$25 lures, i just can't bring myself to buy them. I just don't think that you have to have a lure at that price to catch fish. Ok i am cheap to!)

The Umbrella rig has obviously intrigued many with the stories of doubling up or more on this unique fishing lure. However, the cost of these are typically $15.00-$30.00 for the rig and then you have to buy the jig heads and swimbaits to go with them. So i have been tinkering and came up with a home made umbrella rig.

Now if any of you watch the Simpson's, and are familiar with Homer's spice rack, that is typically what happens when i take on projects. However, this one came out  not that bad. Maybe not as pretty as the others, but i bet it will get the same reaction bite!

Ingredients: Broken crank bait sawed; a $1.29 small whisk purchased at Ace Hardware, some old weighted swimbaits that i probably got on a clearance shelf and standard fishing line connectors. I couldn't find the wire and just found a whisk and thought, hello that is almost done for me.
I think you get the picture!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Lure Luster on You Tube

Hello every one. I don't think that I have posted this on my Blog so here it is. I hope if you find this interesting you will go to and give the product a try. Please share with your friends.

Good Fishing - BassinBrax

Friday, July 6, 2012

Lure Stickers? - Questionair

Hello all, I hope you are beating the heat this summer. Before I ask my questions, I will share a little story on my last fishing trip. Last sunday I got up at 6 am (early for me) to get to the lake by seven. You know when your driving to the lake and your thinking...."man I should have left an hour earlier."
This day was dedicated to meeting a buddy of mine at the lake for mainly beer drinking, but i was going to get a few hours of fishing in before it turned 100 degrees. Well I picked a new ramp to put in at, problem was it was not a maintained area and the roads were bad. It took me a good hour to back track and find my way in the back roads to get to a ramp I was familiar with. So the first lesson is, make sure you research your launching sights!

Finally was able to start fishing around 830. I always start with a top water and was using a buzzbait and hooked into a nice 1.5-2 lb. largemouth. At that time I remembered to get my video camera out. After all, you need video of catching fish with your product to sell it, right? Well around 9:30 it was already getting hot and every time i turned the camera on, i was getting snagged. I hooked into what was probably a 3 lb. fish and between him and me was a nice 3 log structure that he headed right to. I kept the pressure on, but did not have a good enough hook set on him to land the bass. I tried that area for a little while longer and then decided to go to the beach.

Well, I'm sure some of you can relate or have had similar experiences. Hopefully you may find a little humor in my last outing.

Back to business; If you have visited my blog and/or my website at, you have scene that I offer a lure customization sticker kit. This kit is a easy way to add color and flash to any hard bait surface like spinner bait blades, crank baits, spoons and buzz blades.

I have had great interest from all level of anglers in regards to this product, but have not had the sales that I would like to have had.

If you read this and like to fish, i would be interested in your comments:

1. Do you customize your fishing lures?
2. Would you use a product like Lure Luster?
3. What would you pay for a product like Lure Luster?
4. Would you purchase at a store or online?

I could ask alot more questions than that, but just thought these would help.

Please return your reply to Thank you and good fishing!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Get out of your comfort zone

As summer approaches, or is already here for the southern states, those bass will be harder to catch. In the lakes they move deeper and in other waters are much less active in the heat of the day. So unless you fish at night or get up at 5:00am you have to change tactics to get them to bite. If you are going to venture out to the main lake, look for rock piles in 10 to 20 ft of water. Find it or other structure on your graph and make repeated cast attempts before you give up on the area. You may have to find the right crankbait to get that reaction strike. Ledges are another good way to locate bass, they will move from the top to the deeper angles of the ledge. You can use crankbaits, Texas rigged worms, jigs or spoons. I like to fish river systems now as the current can lower the water temperatures and keep those bass more active. Often time they will hold tight to cover and just wait for the bait to come to them. All types of techniques will work. So stop pounding the banks and look for offshore structure and ledges in the lakes and try the river for some fishing relief.

Good Fishing


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Why modify?

With so many different kinds of fishing lures that are on the market you would wonder why so many of the professional tournament fishermen are constantly helping those lure makers modify those lures? More sales to be sure, but most new designs that come out have been modifications, alterations or creations of professional anglers out on the tournament trail. Why do they modify?

Fish are have become and are becoming more and more preconditioned to seeing the same thing thrown at them every weekend. When the pros roll into town for that tournament, they are usually using something new or doing some new technique.

If you have read my blog in the past, you know what I offer....Lure Luster. I will be the first to admit that i don't use my lure stickers on every bait in my bag. No as an avid angler, i want to find patterns and match the forage and use what ever those bass are biting. Now for real, i have alot of lures with my stickers on them, because i have use the product for many years and i know it doesn't repel the fish! In fact, i have seen many times when i know that added flash has gotten extra bites.

Lure Luster is another tool, like suspend strips, red hooks, gels, dyes and all the other customization tools. You use them when you think it will help you. Sometimes using these products just gives you confidence in what you are doing and that helps to.

Lure Luster is a easy and fun way to customize any hard bait. Start with your spinner baits and i think you will see the results. Crank baits, spoons and topwater lures will follow.

I hope you will try it out. I have changed the shipping options on my website to make the product more affordable.

You can check me out on Youtube as well.